Requirements + fees

Investing deeply in the lives of our students and staff, we grow servant leaders of character, competence and calling.

What you’ll get
Tuition fees at Yantai Huasheng International School cover:
- Instructional programming, curriculum, and classroom resources
- Digital learning platforms
- Textbooks and related textbook resources
- Library services
- Health services
- Counseling services
- Division-specific activities
Busing, learning support, English language services and lunch fees are not included in the tuition fee. All our fees are available to download as a PDF from the Admissions page.

Tuition fees
All tuition fees and costs are quoted in RMB. Tuition and fees are reviewed each spring during the enrollment period
Grade | Annual fee |
Foundations | 82,000 |
Junior Kindergarten | 97,000 |
Kindergarten | 112,000 |
Elementary Grades 1–5 | 182,000 |
Middle School Grades 6–8 | 192,000 |
High School Grades 9–12 | 206,000 |
You must pay tuition in full or by semester before enrollment. All costs can be paid according to an approved payment plan.
Option | Fees |
Busing | 3,600 per semester |
Lunch, ECC | 15 per meal |
Lunch, Grades 1–12 | 25 per meal |
Uniforms | Typically 500 |

Entry requirements
As per Chinese law, we cannot admit children of Chinese citizens living in China unless one of the following conditions are met…
- Where at least one parent holds a foreign passport and is legally working, visiting or studying in Yantai. Tourist (L) visas are excluded.
- Where the parents and the child all hold foreign passports, and the child lives in Yantai with a legal guardian.
- Where the parents have either a Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan residency permit and hold a Mainland Travel Permit (Hong Kong/Macau residents) or Return Permit (Taiwan residents). The parents should also have the required border control stamps as well as work and live in Yantai.
- Where at least one parent has a residency permit and proof that they have lived in the country of permanent residency for at least two years. The child will also be living with at least one parent or a legal guardian in Yantai.
- The child was born overseas, with a legal birth certificate and the passport of the country of birth.
We also consider the following as essential for admission:
- Your child must demonstrate age-appropriate adequacy in the English language and educational skills as determined by an interview, examination, and/or educational records.
- A medical report must be completed, as well as the submission of your child’s most recent immunization record.
- All required forms and paperwork must be completed and submitted. Note: All documents must be in or translated into English.
- An Enrollment Deposit payment is required to reserve your child’s space.
In grades or programs for which there are more applications than spaces available, suitable applicants within the following categories may also be offered priority enrollment: Children of LifePlus staff; eligible siblings of a student already attending; students currently attending other LifePlus international schools; applicants who are returning LifePlus international school students; applicants with higher levels of English proficiency. Admissions decisions also balance our current student body English language learners and other relevant demographic factors to ensure we have a diverse community of students.
Waiting pool
If a student has passed the necessary admission requirements, but there is no space available, he/she may be placed in a waiting pool. This waiting pool is dissolved at the end of the school year and parents need to re-apply if they wish to be considered for enrollment for the following school year. We encourage parents to look for other educational options while their child is in the waiting pool.
If you’d like to talk to someone at Yantai Huasheng International School about our entry requirements, our Admissions office is always happy to help.

Money matters
Annual fees
We determine our tuition on an annual basis, which is assessed at the time of registration. It is payable in accordance with an approved payment plan. Late fees will be assessed where appropriate. In addition to tuition fees, students also have a daily lunch fee depending on the meal option they choose.
All tuition and fees are based on the RMB amount. In the event of a change in the exchange rate, all unpaid tuition and fees that are paid in USD must be paid at the adjusted rate. The RMB fees are fixed for the school year.
Overdue accounts
Parents are responsible for the payment of all school fees. Tuition fee payments are due to the school in a timely manner after receipt of a school invoice. Payments more than five days past the due date are subject to a late fee. If payments are made more than 30 days past the due date, students may be excluded from classes until payment is made.
Tuition payments for students who withdraw will only be refunded for quarters not attended. Once a quarter is started, full tuition for that quarter must be paid. Report cards, diplomas, and transcripts will not be released if payments are not complete. Tuition and fees are non-transferable to another student. No portion of tuition shall be refunded for a student dismissed by expulsion or for disciplinary reasons. Company paid tuition will only be refunded to the company, not to the parent.
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